Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top 20 Software Testing tips.

1) Learn to analyze your test results thoroughly
2) Learn to maximize the test coverage
3) To ensure maximum test coverage break your application under test (AUT) into smaller functional modules.
4) While writing test cases, write test cases for intended functionality first i.e. for valid conditions according to requirements.
5) Think positive. Start testing the application by intend of finding bugs/errors. Don’t think beforehand that there will not be any bugs in the application.
6) Write your test cases in requirement analysis and design phase itself. This way you can ensure all the requirements are testable.
7) Make your test cases available to developers prior to coding. Don’t keep your test cases with you waiting to get final application release for testing, thinking that you can log more bugs.
8 ) If possible identify and group your test cases for regression testing.
9) Applications requiring critical response time should be thoroughly tested for performance. Performance testing is the critical part of many applications.
10) Programmers should not test their own code. As discussed in our previous post, basic unit testing of developed application should be enough for developers to release the application for testers.
11) Go beyond requirement testing. Test application for what it is not supposed to do.
12) While doing regression testing use previous bug graph (Bug graph – number of bugs found against time for different modules). This module-wise bug graph can be useful to predict the most probable bug part of the application.
13) Note down the new terms, concepts you learn while testing.
14) Many times testers or developers make changes in code base for application under test.
15) Keep developers away from test environment. This is required step to detect any configuration changes missing in release or deployment document.
16) It’s a good practice to involve testers right from software requirement and design phase.
17) Testing teams should share best testing practices, experience with other teams in their organization.
18) Increase your conversation with developers to know more about the product. Whenever possible make face-to-face communication for resolving disputes quickly and to avoid any misunderstandings.
19) Don’t run out of time to do high priority testing tasks. Prioritize your testing work from high to low priority and plan your work accordingly.
20) Write clear, descriptive, unambiguous bug report. Do not only provide the bug symptoms but also provide the effect of the bug and all possible solutions.

1 comment:

  1. I am curious to know which one of these 20 are new to us and which are the ones that we are adopting
